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Company Information

Name: Siyabend Oezdemir Operating as: GenPPT (Einzelfirma)

Contact Information

Address: Im Rheinacker 28, 4058 Basel, Switzerland Email: Phone: +41 76 646 14 12

Responsible for Content

Siyabend Oezdemir
Note: GenPPT is not responsible for user-generated presentations.

Business Details

  • Operating globally
  • Based in Switzerland
  • Not yet registered (newly established business)
  • No VAT number (not applicable)

Additional Information

GenPPT is operated as a sole proprietorship (Einzelfirma) under Swiss law. As a newly established business by a young entrepreneur, some registration and tax details are pending.


While we strive to provide accurate and useful services, GenPPT cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or suitability of the generated presentations. Users are responsible for reviewing and verifying the content of their generated presentations.
This impressum is subject to change without notice as our business develops. Please check back regularly for updates.

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Siyabend Özdemir

Article by

Siyabend Özdemir

Siya is the founder of GenPPT